digital transformation
in face of digital interrupt, the conversional businesses who are seeking for transformational alternatives usually come to a halt struggling about the two obstacles:
(1) finding the right direction and approach for transformation (where to go and what to do).
(2) hard to make things happen though the direction and approach are predetermined(how to do).
they embody respectively:
(1) lack of consensus internally on the transformation objectives to be focused on, and/or there might be more than one alternative to go with so the company is unable to determine and thereafter to forge ahead in right direction.
(2) short of confidence and guts internally as required by the transformation, and the whole organization and resources have not geared up to action. as a result, the expected breaking through are hampered. to cope with such obstacles that so many conventional enterprises suffer from, amt has conducted extensive research and study on successful innovation practice from the market and revealed a so-called ‘four-dimensional and three-step transformation methodology’ featuring the four dimensions with ‘mind shift, model innovation, mechanism transition,platform creation with three steps of ‘defining the goals ’, ‘articulate the roadmap’ and ‘facilitate realization’. by this approach, amt is able to effectively help the clients to gain new competitive edge through planning and implementing the transformation from conventional business to digital enabled new businesses.
the four dimensions of internet transformation for traditional enterprises:
1.mind shift - change the way of thinking
transformation shall not come true without a predominating mindset shift at very outset. amt consultants will help to inspire the clients a ‘digital way’ of thinking which in concert with the industry/sector and business characteristic, and cultivate the culture of digital transformation in the organization. by effective learning activities tailor-designed to clients, such as various training and seminars, action-learning programs, etc., we will effectively help the conventional enterprise managers to break the thinking box, reach the consensus on, and pave the way for transformation.
2. model innovation - create commercial models
through an in-depth research and study on clients’ current state and circumstances, industrial trends and stakeholders’ value, cases of successful digital transformation, and internet technology-led innovative commercial models, we help the clients with a clear-cut of their transformation strategies and propositions, bring to them high value-added and effective design of innovative business models which will lead to a distinctive growth pathway.
3. mechanism transit - change the mechanism
the digital enabled new business models cannot go life without a fitting organizational mechanism. in order to spark vibrancy of innovation within an enterprise, amt helps its clients in customized design of mechanisms of management such as employee stock/stock option program, partnership based organization, and employee ownership program, etc.
4. platform creation - build it platforms
operating the new business models in today’s digital era most probably rely on a sophisticated digital platform and technology, for example, e-commerce and o2o platforms, mobile app, public account on wechat, big data computation, etc. amt helps its clients with efficient plan, design, and continuous iterative optimization of such platforms which will be connected seamlessly with the business operations.
amt’s consultative service to enable transformation will deliver its clients the values as follows:
defining transformation goals: with rounded investigation in the enterprise’s current state/capabilities in context of the industrial trends and stakeholders’ needs, amt orients the clients to a digital-way of thinking and technological innovation, moreover, to learn from best practice of flagships, so to spark collective wisdom of the management team for carve-out of right strategic direction toward transformation.
articulate transformation roadmap: taking into account of resource concern and operational feasibility, amt helps the clients to break objectives down to specific goals and actionable measures with separated phases which forms an explicit implementation roadmap so that the transformation efforts can be focused and the objectives are achievable.
facilitate transformation realization: amt strives to be long-term partner with clients to facilitate grounded implementations of transformation strategies. we help the clients to resolve problems emerged and provide solutions throughout the transition. those solutions may include equity ownership restructuring, fund raising and ipo, key staff retention and recruitment, operational efficiency upgrade, it platform uphold, etc.